Vampiir of the North - Projects
Tomb of Insomnia - Interesting Times

Released: December 1, 2008
Format: VBR MP3 / FLAC

01 Ritual Abuse [7:04]
02 Orchestrated Wars [Blood Offerings] [7:13]
03 Problem-Reaction-Solution [6:37]
04 Trauma Based Mind Control [4:44]
05 The Rite to Remain Silent [1:13]
06 Project Paperclip [5:15]
07 Vaccination, the Serpent's Venom [2:33]
08 PedoGovernment, MolestClergy, Demoncracy [4:00]
09 Dissociative Identity Disorder [2:10]
10 Psychological Warfare [5:28]
11 Infant Sacrifices under Vatican [4:56]
12 Inbreeding Bloodlines of Cold Insanity [3:40]
13 Weapons of Mass Deception [2:40]
14 Depopulation Program [5:33]
15 Obsessive Need for conTrolling [4:18]
16 Centralized Power [From Freedom to Feardom] [4:22]
17 One World Government - Global Enslavement [6:56]
18 New War Ordeal / Your Funeral [1:07]

Total Time: [79:56]

Haunted by Nightmareality [bonus]

Haunted 1 - Ghosts Among the Crumbling Walls [5:46]
Haunted 2 - No Surrender [6:38]
Haunted 3 - Dancing Nurses of the Haunted Clinic [6:52]
Haunted 4 - Crushing the Powers [Your Time is Over] [3:48]
Haunted 5 - Untraceable [Human Trafficking mix] [4:47]
Haunted 6 - Unlifted Burden [7:28]

Total Time: [35:21]
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